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When Iasked what she was doing in my house, contempt continued to drip fromher lips. "Oh, Sweetie, I thought I was here to meet with Rebecca butinstead, I find her little sissy putting on a saucy little burlesqueshow. Does Rebecca know what you get up to when she is out?" She cockedan eyebrow and paused, allowing me to contemplate her thinly veiledthreat.My cheeks burned with embarrassment, their rouge veneer scarcelydisguising the inflammation. I swallowed hard searching for coherent aresponse, knowing the longer I allowed this humiliation to go on, themore difficult it would be to stop her. The hunt was unproductive, Ifound no plausible excuse which might free me from this noose, no magicwords which might cause the ground to open wide and swallow me whole.She sensed it too. Her sardonic silence shouted as much. No doubt, she'drevel in my effort to explain my predicament, delight in my account ofthe reasons why she couldn't/shouldn't/wouldn't tell Rebecca what she'dseen. The cold. I wasn't ready for a third wife, but I knew that I would lose if I resisted their wishes. It was easier for me to just capitulate and do what they wanted me to do. The other aspect of this proposal is that we would gain a leader for Task 4's Task Cell. I sat there trying to come up with a valid reason for not adding another person to our group at this time. An idea would pop in my head and the counter to that idea would follow immediately. I wouldn't have been surprised to learn Cathy was in my mind without my knowledge. I shot down everything that I could think of to use as an objection. I finally concluded that it was going to happen, so I might as well get with the program."Well, if the three of you think that adding Karen to our group is the right thing to do, invite her to join us for dinner so I can meet her."That was when I got an idea. If I made Cathy, Sam, and Mary's plan to make Karen a member of our group known to Karen, then she would probably say no. However, I would have.
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